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June’s Epic Drinking Song


Here’s an Epic Drinking Song for June, who took the picture backstage at the Elizabeth Bader Centre for the Performing Arts (and who borrowed the book from her friend Seb).

Oh, once there was a girl named June
Her friend Seb had a book
June thought it looked amazing
She had to have a look

June took it home late one night
And cracked a box of wine
She woke up with a pounding head
The clock said half past nine

June said, “Where’d I leave it?”
Seb wanted it for later
And in a fog June realized
She’d lent it to Liz Bader

She asked Mrs. Bader, “Please,
I’m asking with all my heart.”
And Liz replied, “Well, maybe…
In trade for a work of art.”

So June she made a masterpiece
Out of old cardboard
And Liz, she gladly tossed the piece
Atop of her art hoard.


Want your own Epic Drinking Song? Click here to learn more.

