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Alisha’s Epic Drinking Song


An Epic Drinking Song for Alisha, who is born and raised in Calgary (a rare breed apparently…). Her hobbies include travelling around the world, photography, and making handmade crafts (then selling them) – including wine charms.

Alisha was at the airport
Ready for her flight
She was travelling to Europe
The trip would take all night

The agent saw her passport
“In Calgary you’re born?”
“I’m sorry you can’t leave, dear.”
“We’re afraid you won’t return.”

“So few are ever born here”
“They all come from out east”
“You’re an endangered species”
“At the very least!”

Alisha said, “I’ll come back”
“It’s only a week-long trip.”
But the agent wouldn’t hear it
Not a word from Alisha’s lips

Alisha reached in her pocket
For a gold homemade wine charm
That dazzled the gate agent
And flew to Europe without harm

So when you meet somebody
Who causes you alarm
If you find that nothing else will work
Try to use your charm

Want an Epic Drinking Song for yourself or a friend? Just post a picture of the fun, fast-paced mystery ‘Rum Luck’ in its native habitat. Click here to learn more.

